Love it Adam. And no, those of us who aren’t on a side aren’t the enemy. And those who act too much as victims are missing the big picture. Let in the healing!

I always remind myself: United we stand, Divided we fall.

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indeed. It's a lofty goal at this point. Maybe someday though =)

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Beautiful as always Adam. Thank you. <3 You have Chiron's healing hoof and heart :) you've been a wonderful guide in helping us understand how to dig for that alchemical light that’s being hidden as you so wisely say,

“We feel vindicated because the experience we have online validates our feelings, but we forget that hidden algo’s have also crafted this perspective for us, keeping us trapped in the chamber.”

As long as we’re all trapped, we’re unable to see all the light trying to push through and that light will change us all in a profound way. As ACIM so beautifully says, “Your fear of attack is nothing compared to your fear of love.”

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'healing hoof!' haha love that. And who is ACIM?

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Oh sorry lol It's a channeled text from the 70s, “A Course in Miracles”, over 700 pages speaks to our only issue is our belief we are separate from others, from the Divine. If you know Paul Selig’s work, his guides all pretty much say the same thing. <3 It’s always been one of my fav quotes from it, because for me it’s says we feel more comfortable with attack then unconditional love so it feels very threatening to even see nuance, much like the dark night the 12th house might bring.

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Oh yes yes. I know that. I just thought it was a person I was unaware of lol

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Despite that this is my first time replying to your column, I've been getting your posts in my email, I think, since you first started writing it. In fact, I was surprised to realize you weren't writing as so many of us do from our websites or in some random blog but here on Substack!

Please don't take this as a left-handed compliment. While I confess to being a left-hander, it truly is meant warmly and sincerely: This morning's column felt delightfully frenetic. I'm well aware you had control over what you were doing, but it was dancing with the kind of abandon that made *far* more sense to me--you know, like Life!--than academic prose would do.

And what great timing you had. While Chiron was originally referred to as 1977 UB and then 'Slow-moving Object Kowal' with a minor planet number of 2060, the name "Chiron" was proposed apparently at a "Dynamics of the Solar System" Symposium in Tokyo sometime between May 23 and May 26, 1978. [https://ntrs.nasa.gov/citations/19790052296] Astrologers began working with Chiron on November 1, 1977, less than a month after Charles Kowal discovered it on photographic plates made on October 18-19, 1977.

I use the Powell chart (July 1, 1776, 7:08 PM LMT, Philadelphia) rather than the Sibley, and referred to that in my files just now to see where it is in the chart. Chiron falls in the third house in a 5-minute partile opposition to 9th house Juno. Intriguing, when we consider recent US political news in the midst of this Return (regardless of which charts we each prefer)!

All this to say, thanks for a wonderful column today. IMHO, the greatest compliment inspires response. You wrote, "Again, let’s learn to talk again—in person—with those who don’t see what we see." I'm on the East coast, and I believe you're on or near the West coast so I doubt we could talk in person; but I'm a firm believer in talking in person or online. If this is who you are, I'm pleased to meet you!

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thanks for the comment Michelle. And I'll say this: I'd rather my prose be 'frenetic' and resonate than be academic. I've never aspired to be an academic or write like one. My homage to Tom Robbins at the end there shows more of where my literary alliance may lie =)

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My professorial aspirations were dashed when my favorite English professor, a dear friend, told me to become a writer instead of an English prof. "You're too rebellious to be a professor," he said. While I don't have Uranus in my first, I knew he was right. lol As for writing like one, there I strongly agree and believe one can adhere to the demands of academia while not maintaining the dry, fall asleep exposition.

Have a wonderful day, Adam, and thanks for the kind reply. :)

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You and me both! I had a Creative Writing teacher in college tell me something similar. It was very empowering. And you are right, you can pull it off, it's just that I'm not even trying to. There is nobody in that world that I'm trying to reach. I'm not one of those astrologers trying to make it legit in the eyes of academia. It's a fight I'm not fighting, ya know.

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I know you'll appreciate this, Adam: In addition to my years as an astrologer, I was trying to establish a writing career which--in part--is how I ended up getting published on several fronts as an astrologer. At the same time, multiculturalism and multicultural education also piqued my interest.

I knew academia usually frowned on astrology, so I was walking some thin lines. Among my publishing credits, my non-astrological articles had appeared in Police magazine, the International Arson Investigators Journal, Dental Economics, Tennis, Racquet and World Tennis magazines, and a host of more mainstream magazines like Seventeen (that one was astrological) and Time. I also wrote a book on multiculturalism in America and beyond and, at the end of the six years it took to write it, sign contracts and let it go through the process, I suddenly found myself the recipient of 3 state press club awards and a second place national press award. *This isn't intended as a brag*, rather to explain that while I walked those thin lines, I actually did try to keep the astrology and academic separate.

As the years have passed, I allowed the line between the two to blur more. It no longer panics me if someone finds out I was on both sides of that line. lol Academia has ever so slowly moved to relax its rigid demands of stiff, stilted writing through the last couple of decades; but it has a *long* way to go. I'm grateful, however, that I even managed to have an astronomy prof in college who secretly was studying astrology at the same time I was! lol He was the one who encouraged me to get published in this field--*and* I earned extra credit in his class to reap an A with a paper on, what else, those delicious extraterrestrial outer planets. lol I'd like to believe not everyone in academia is resisting. :) Have a great day, my friend!

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Makes me wonder about what is in store when Chiron finally graduates from impetuous and fiery Aries and into the more nurturing, slow, and earthbound Taurus next year.

This year the final return serves as a prelude to the volcano awaiting us this summer when Neptune and Saturn both make their first eruption over the ecliptic and into Aries.

As always, may the cooler heads prevail, the lessons be learned, the thirst be quenched.

Hugs from Costa Rica

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Totally my friend. Also, when it moves into Taurus, it will also represent the Chiron return since its discovery--which is quite fascinating IMO. Costa is a good place to be for all of this! Glad to see you are still reading these Samu.

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I found this very offensive. You could have used another example to show what is a very good call about the US Chiron return: "…Oh dear god, look, there’s Elon doing the sieg heil, but wait one second, look over there, isn’t that AOC doing it too? (and let’s be honest: neither of them were doing it);

I saw the Musk salute with my own eyes ... and his actions are that of an authoritarian nazi, even if the salute is questionable to some. I'm 80, an Irish lass who lived on the rez with lots of life experiences ... so just because somebody "special" writes something ... doesn't mean we all have to agree.

Staying neutral in front of a raging train gets you smashed.

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we all saw him do it, just like we all saw AOC do it, and neither of them was doing it. That's the thing. And you don't have to agree. That's part of the point. We all are entitled to our own opinions....thank the gods!

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Great post!

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Thank you, Adam, beautifully expressed... I'm also calling on Chariklo...

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But of course. Who would he be without his wife and children!?

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I honestly don’t think I truly understood (in an embodied sense) Chiron’s role for humanity and for myself until this post. I’m 10th house Chiron. My whole life I have lived as an edge dwelling, animistic, oracular, neutral (maybe a little magical) wild, untamable and deeply caring beastie, and I finally think I understand why. He’s been there all along, guiding the way. Blessed be the big C.

Funnily enough my ideal, dream dwelling is a ‘finely appointed cave’ on a cliff away from humanity which I share with a companion goat named Carl (don’t tell my partner). I’m sure that’s because I’ve been sweeping the floors of Chiron’s cave for most of my life. He’s a pretty inspiring, nurturing, and life-affirming being.

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Now that's exciting. I'm happy to hear that it allowed you to have a deeper understanding of Chiron. Personally, I think the 'wounded healer' archetype slapped onto him is slightly misleading. It's part of the story, but by no means the whole picture. Glad this one landed for ya =)

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LOL, fo realz bro. No suit in any city ever gonna be my role model. I like RFK Jr precisely because he is so much more than a stuffed suit, but has done REAL service to the waters and the fishes. Methinks Chiron would approve

FWIW, I've been thinking about adding the asteroids for Chiron's teachers (1862 Apollo & 105 Artemis) and Students (588 Achilles, 2135 Aristaeus, 4581 Asclepius & 6063 Jason) to the mix -if for nothing else than to add storylines as threads for people to follow. Would be interested to hear your thoughts


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Great idea! I just commented on your post. And yeah, I think RFK is the Chiron figure in American politics. I mean...he is a falconer and a recovered addict. Fits the bill. And yes, if only those with EDS knew what he did for the Hudson river!

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That was excellent, so refreshing to read. I liked that you can see both sides in an honest way. We are all flawed and have our faults, we are not always right and our opinions are not facts. If we could only have a bit of self awareness and take a step away from the white noise of politics and learn to relate meaningfully we could start to mend and heal our divided world.

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i'm happy to hear it Shauna. It's not easy to really see both sides, but we must try. I honestly think it's one of the greatest works we can attempt to do--not just now, but always. Doesn't mean we need to agree, but it does mean we must understand the other perspective. It seems like you've done this work. Well done my friend.

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When a whole segment of the population wants to erase the rights of others and wipe neighboring countries off the map it has all moved way beyond the "why can't we all just get along." It's way beyond just getting people together to converse anymore, although I thought like that in the last election. I get the sense that Americans have now moved into a much more entrenched and desperately clueless and confounded, disillusioned space, but maybe that's just me.

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some are disillusioned, and just as many are elated. I never said "why can't we all just get along," but I did say: "until we can steelman the othersides perspective" we are doomed. Those with TDS simply cannot do that. It's a mess, yes, but not understanding why he is more popular than ever is also missing the entire point, IMO. In Chiron we trust....

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I think see what you mean and I think we agree. I used the phrase "why can't we get along" to represent my own question/thoughts about why Americans can't converse anymore and to share simply my sense that our inability to converse has gone to the next level of disconnect. I agree about the point that we do need to understand Trump's popularity if we want to move past the TDS. The TDS is an interesting idea to consider in itself. I appreciate your eloquence and insights.

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I wonder about Chiron in Aries being connected to instinct. The loss (sacrifice) of our instincts has cost us dearly and Chiron’s passage through Aries seems to have corresponded to an emergent awareness of the disconnection from our animality. The pandemic seemed to awaken many (myself included) to their innate and perhaps latent sense capacities. I have been working to develop and strengthen this with very interesting and empowering (also very challenging and often uncomfortable) results. I have found that my anxiety often leads me to exactly where I need to go, what I need to do and say. Chiron is an amazing teacher. Have you read a separate reality by Carlos Castaneda? It dates back to Chiron’s last transit of Aries and Don Juan’s warrior wisdom always feels to me so resonant. It’s something like... “all paths are the same, leading nowhere, therefore choose the path with heart”

Thanks Adam 🙏🏼

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I like that. I can see your argument there. And yeah, the pandy definitely tested our instincts and intuition. It was in some ways the ultimate test. Seems like you passed the test then? I have read that book, but it was years ago. Good quote though.

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Exactly, thank you, Adam; perspectives.

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great name you have!

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