Any plans for where you will be during these eclipses Adam?

I’m loving this turn of the wheel, and the endless questions and possibilities arising. I started seeing the rainbow spectrum everywhere last spring first when I was walking through a wild field of tall green grasses. I saw that it wasn’t actually green, but rather a rainbow on the green ribbon of the spectrum. Been working with a beautiful piece of Rainbow Obsidian for about a year now. Brought it to the Garden of Peace with me…Blown away by all that Mother natures elemental beings have to teach us. Chiron showed up too🙏🏽 Can’t believe how intimate my relationship with these beings, gods, planets have deepened throughout the years. Can’t believe I even knew it was Chiron showing up🗝️🤷🏽‍♀️. Blessings stepping into this dragon hole! Thanks for all of the attunements, alignments and initiations over the past 7ish years. ✨🙏🏽✨

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I will be in Dartmoor. So I will have to settle for photos and everyone's stories. I'll feel into it all in my own way =) And 7 years!!? Thank you for sticking around. I really appreciate that Veronica.

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Adam, I too had a dragon reconnection recently, wild for timing… If you fancy a peak, I wrote about it on my Substack (Why The Dragon is the Emblem of Wales) - it’s a Welsh myth and is really about the ‘discovery’ of Merlin as a boy. Yes to all the dragon work 🐉

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Perfect! I am familiar with the story, but if you'd like to put the link in the comments, we can all have a read =)

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I read this earlier today and almost immediately got the song Rainbow Connection stuck in my head. I had to come later and read it again. Ill have to look back and see of if it was last eclipse season when I had that song stuck in my head last. I have a lifetime of rainbow, dragon and eclipse synchronicities. Having a daughter and sister born within hours of an eclipse makes me think of making a wish and blowing out birthday candle. Although, I ended up in the ER last spring during the eclipse cycle. Ha!! This just reminded me that I found out DRAGONflies eat horseflies!! Got to get me a baseball cap and clip little dragonflies onto it in hopes I dont get attacked by blackflies on my face like last spring. Hopefully they eat blackflies too🤔😆🤩 So happy you brought up dragons and rainbows!! I would have not remebered the dragonflies!🤩

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well, if you end up pinning a swarm of dragonflies to yourself to battle the blackflies, you are going to have to share the video with us all. What a character!!! hahah love it.

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Oh I am going to do it and I am absolutely not sharing a video of that🤣

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but you must!

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And yep 7 years! I look forward to your dragon tales!



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Hopefully another 7 as well! Dragon tales abound, always...

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