I respect what you have written here, Adam. You clearly explained how the Chiron return of the US is manifesting in a country divided.

I went through my Chiron return two years ago, and in many ways, I’m still in the shadow of the lessons. Speaking from my own experience, until you go through it, you cannot predict how you will feel or what wounds come to light. You may think you are a pretty well-evolved soul, having lived 50 years and been through many relationships and experiences that have brought you wisdom. Yet, it’s that very thing ~ the belief you have made it to a certain level, the complacency, the ignorance, the innocence ~ that is at the core of the pain Chiron elicits. The pain is poignant and somehow perfect because it splits you open and exposes the wound so completely you have no chance to escape or to look away, to utilize any of your well-worn survival techniques… the only way through, is to face the wound that’s been there all along.

And then come the teachers; and you enter into the lessons - oh man! They are hard lessons! Chiron in Aries holds a mirror up to you and asks, Who are you, truly? In the US chart Chiron asks, Who are We as a Nation? What foundation was our country built upon that we aspire to grow from? Everyone can probably agree that we desire freedom to be who we want to be.

Herein lies our growing pains. Here is our wound, laid bare.

I appreciate the courage it takes to speak from your heart, out into the world, Adam. All of us, who read your words, week after week, get to receive the lessons you so generously give. And that’s it - you write from your heart and, near as I can tell, from a Mercurial perspective that is highly aware of how delicate the nature of our psyches can be. What I read here, was your acknowledgment of the Chiron Wound the United States is experiencing. Your thoughts are medicine offered to a wounded country. You did not ask for our compliance. You simply placed the medicine down for anyone to accept or deny it.

We do have the last exact hit of Chiron coming in February. From my time with the Healer, it was this last pass that was the bitterest pill of all the medicines I was offered. And I had to accept it, before true healing could begin. .. and I’m still learning.

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Beautiful reflection Amy. I appreciate you sharing your own experience of the Chiron return as well. Seems like you made it through wiser and stronger. That's inspiring! I will remember this as I move into mine next decade. Also, I appreciate you commenting on what I was trying to do here. You read it correctly. Naturally, some heated comments followed my writing this, and in some ways, I wrote this for them. It's that response—on both sides—that needs to calm down and find a center again. I'm afraid, we are far from that occurring.....=(

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all of this Adam!! quite refreshing to hear this take...I feel a new understanding on the Pluto return of the US as well- rather than the certain death of a nation as many projected, Pluto rather asked 248 years later, for all its flaws and work, do you still want it?

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that's right! It exposed the underbelly. For those paying attention, it was all on display. And now, we get a chance to regenerate and build something profound. I'm most eager to see what RFK and Tulsi can do. Still have many reservations about the Red King, but he's surrounded by incredible people now. I'm bullish.

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I am excited for Tulsi and Rfk as well...its a team effort for sure :)

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I'd rather have her as president, but it's the next best option for sure!

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Our interpretation of the world is so subjective and complex. Each of us is conditioned by social and collective circumstances as well as external influences and our inner experience. When we judge the world as “wrong” and perceive it as a threat, we are disempowered and resentful. Instead we might interpret the many things beyond our control as the precise conditions by which we may strive to be more fully who we are. To love one’s fate and love the world as it is, in all its brokenness and beauty.

Thanks Adam. We’ll see. Peace ✌️

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a very wise and stoic perspective! I agree.

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WWCD? A fine question, a delicate and beautiful one.

When I've sat with him (Chiron) through this time he shows me death and birth and back again. The endless cycle. The seeds of destruction that sleep inside of hope, the seeds of hope that sleep inside of destruction. He shows me the need to gracefully reveal unhealed/hidden wounds that fester under the surface, as well as the strength of scars over the wounds that have been tended. He shows me that my wounds are the wounds of the world, and vice versa. This beautiful planet heals but one human, one tree, one river at a time.

Chiron suggests I open myself to greater understanding, greater compassion, and greater curiosity, 'live in the question' he keeps saying. If we all have our work to do, and the only way out is through, then WWCD?

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beautiful reflections! I agree: stand open, stay curious, don't react. I hope your not shaving your head =)

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😆 my particular flavor of contemplative animism requires my hair stay waist length, which I dutifully oblige, though when I lived with monks in China (true story) I did consider it.

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good answer! lol

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Adam - this doesn't come off as sensitive to those of us who are concerned about issues you simply can't know anything about as a healthy young white man. Some of us are already paying a huge percentage of our incomes for health care. If the GOP does as they've said and strips away the Affordable Care Act, we're screwed. Same for those of us dependent either on Medicare or Medicaid or are on the verge of it. If you're female, if you're dependent on Social Security, if you have daughters or grand daughters of child bearing age, if you have immigrant members of your family, if you don't want to live in a theocracy run by old white dudes, if you value efforts to control climate change or work in fields associated with it, etc.

RFK Jr and Tulsi weren't elected. Elon Musk wasn't elected. Much of the complaint they leveled about Harris revolved around the fact that she didn't go through a primary vetting process. Well neither did they. They smelled power and they wanted to exercise their personal agendas. The GOP has so many competing factions in it now... It'll be interesting to watch and see how soon they start stabbing each other in the backs to kiss the ring and who gets kicked to the curb.

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That's one read of it all. A Theocracy? RFK , Tulsi, and Elon smelling power? Kissing the ring? I'm not sure about that. Do you know how they got there and why they choose to endorse him? It's definitely not because there was no primary. It's much much deeper and darker than that. But who knows, you might be right. The only point of my writing this piece was to speak to the reality of this moment and to see it as hopefully a moment of healing for everyone. Chiron can show the way.

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America did not elect a healer. Americans will have to find healing but with the policies the GOP has in mind, it will be hard to come by. The hope lies in communities of care - people caring for other people because what was elected has no plan for that.

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then what's MAHA?

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The fever dream of an unelected wannabe. The guy hitched his wagon to a delusional old man who wouldn't know health if it bit him in the ass.

Meanwhile, have you seen the stats on what has happened to women in states where abortion has been largely banned? They're suffering enormous health consequences including being unable to receive care in cases of miscarriage because of the Dobbs decision. And why did we get the Dobbs decision?

Health doesn't happen because someone made up a slogan about it.

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I'm going to step in here, also doing my best to come at this from a multi-perspective lens, rather than a "side."

First, as Adam wrote, you may be right, Camille. Personally, I'm doing my best to share my perspective, to listen to other's perspectives and to remember that ALL of us are in this very liminal period of Neptune in late Pisces and Saturn in mid Pisces, so for any one of us to have "The Truth" seems even less likely than when we are clear of this foggy period. Thus, I keep a compassionate perspective and recognize that I'm a dreamer talking to other dreamers now.

Anyway, to your points about RFK Jr.: yeah, it very well may be a fever dream, he may be an idiot deceived by naivety or power-seeking or...fill in the supposition...by trusting Trump. Time wll tell.

Having said that, as an American ex-pat of 20 years who lives in Japan, every few years I go back to America, one of my most common observations is "This country is getting sicker and sicker." That's from both witnessing the external markers of the people, the social environment you live in and from listening to how often conversations devolve into complaints about personal health issues and all the meds people are on.

I bring this up because Adam beat me to the punch with this article---I knew that the Election was close to one of America's Chiron Returns and felt back in 2022 when I first noticed this that HEALTH would have to be a key topic int he election.

For whatever reason, the Democrats decided not to speak to this issue, whereas RFK Jr. did. In addition, for whatever reasons, the Democrats blocked Kennedy's ability to join their party, so he joined with Trump. For whatever reason----it seems perhaps the assassination attempt last July may have shifted Trump slightly)---RFK Jr. sat down with Trump and felt that they could work together.

I don't presume to know what's going on behind those closed downs. But no matter one's politics, don't we all have a vested interest in people becoming healthy? Thus, while it may seem a "fever dream" of RFK's to try to play a role in that MAHA via partnership with Trump, I don't think it's a fever dream of the American people to look around at their reality and see that the country has been on the wrong track in terms of health.

Last, as for Trump's health. Sure, his lifetstyle habits, notably his apparent love for fastf food, doesn't speak of a man who "knows health." Or, does it? After all, HE is healthy----one can't be his age and yet actively campaigning if one is in bad health.

As a fellow eclipse baby with Trump, I sometimes wonder if us eclipsers have certain unique superpowers which make us unlike the masses in a very big way. I know my lifesyle isn't "normal" yet I remain very healthy. The point is, while I wouldn't trust Trump himself to lead a public health campaign (just as I wouldn't trust myself), I think RFK Jr is both well-versed on the topic and is coming from a heart-centered place of wanting to address the problem.

Again, all of that COULD be wrong and if any of it is, I shake my fist at you, Neptune!!

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thanks for jumping in Bryan, you saved me time =)

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I actually agree with all of this around health and I believe that RFK Jr is sincere and I was paying attention and listening to him until he decided to abandon his own ship. I don't however believe that his agenda is important to the man America elected or to his inner circle. And I think that the jockeying for power among a lot of very rich privileged and power hungry old white dudes will eclipse RFK Jr's sincere desire to implement policies that might make a dent in the health of Americans as a whole.

Additionally, the GOP's stated goal of getting rid of the Affordable Care Act, further reducing/eliminating access to abortion (which also means lack of care for women who are suffering from miscarriages as well), getting rid of or reducing access to medicare, medicaid and social security means that we won't be able to afford healthcare.

How do children who don't have enough to eat because the free and reduced lunch programs have been canceled stay healthy? Or for that matter, how do they manage in school if they're too hungry to think straight? Oh that's right... they're going to get rid of the department of education too... So free lunch programs won't have a venue and kids will just go hungry. I don't get it... how do you all think health will just happen without the infrastructure to make it a priority?

Until and unless we have something like "Medicare for All", how do we actually care for people who need it? Or is the idea that we just let all the unhealthy people die and start over? How do you bridge the gap without any social safety net?

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The past four years have been a course correction from what The Con did during the previous four years - let the ship run unmanned preferring to play golf and watch FOX and eat fast food. What The Con inherited was Obama's brilliant economy balanced by dedicated humans with degrees and decades of understanding; and as The Con did with his "family fortune," he drove it into the ground leaving the Biden admin to course correct.

What's astonishing is that most Americans are naive and/or willfully ignorant.

With the US having 13 Sag for the rising has proven to be stupidly optimistic. The Sabian symbol - Rectification; never actually fulfilling the dream but living in a perpetual state of chasing one's tail.

The Chiron return in the fourth house connected to the Cancer sun in the 8th of deception means America has been duped or is deluding itself of the consequences of giving some truly evil people power. Having Chiron square Mercury in its natal chart, the USA is its own worst enemy.

What might make a better article is focusing on the North Node at 6 Leo "the dramatic function of the soul as it plays its various roles in human society, here brought out in a practical aspect of everyday values. There is once a cooperation and a competition between those ways of life which minister the promise of the future of the other." Focusing on this contrast might actually help people understand the role of the USA in the collective conscious of citizens of the world; and therefore understand their personal RESPONSIBILITY in the larger picture of the cosmos and the part they play steering the human story. Perhaps this understanding might entice them to take some initiative to soul-search instead of being a victim of a screen.

Or you could write about the 2 Libra midheaven, Threshold- the USA as a "symbol of the mirror which history provides for mankind, so that each new generation may see itself reflected in its own past and therefore may be challenged to its real future."

Focusing on Chiron for Chiron's sake without integrating it into the bigger picture is rhetorical nonsense. Yeah, we're having a Chiron return. Alluding to GOT and using the term "king" in the same article as an insane megalomaniac doesn't help anyone to understand their place in the cosmos. You're using more media brainwashing terms which has gotten us into this mess in the first place.

The misery we are about to see from our friends and neighbors is going to be disgusting and unbearable. Old people will pay more for their meds and receive less while the pharma bros buy another jet or another mansion. Old people will lose their social security. There will be no agency chasing people who abuse old people. Laborers will be deported causing the price of food to rise or fields to rot. Those dopes who voted for the biggest dope of them all are going to suffer the most as the ghouls willing to stand by and smell his shit-filled diaper will scheme and conjure the easiest and most dastardly way to siphon off as much money for themselves as possible.

Although your business will increase for a while with people searching to understand how things turned so badly so quickly.

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this one was for you! And instead of telling me what to write, I urge you to write something on those subjects. I was perfectly contented writing this one, thank you.

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It's great to now know that you and Gary Caton support The Con. I will unsubscribe. This is a paid public forum that you've invited people to comment on but you can't stand when someone has a difference of opinion and isn't just writing flattering comments about your "brilliant" astrology interpretations. 🙄

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1. I didn't vote for him; 2. You were telling me what to write, so I told you to write it; 3. Again, this post was for you. Unsubscribe if you must. WWCD?

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With WWCD, I think you just taught me a new Internet acronym---What Would Chuck Do? Is that it? According to the site I've linked below., "The phrase has its roots in "Chuckism," which is a set of principles and values popularized by actor and comedian Chuck Wilson. These values focus on living your life with integrity, doing the right thing, standing up for what you believe in, and never giving up.


Always teaching, Adam, you're always teaching...

PS One thing I see you trying to teach, or at least share, here, is that just because one writes as you have doesn't equate to "I voted for Trump" or even "I support Trump." But in this divisive, reactive world, many people make that assumption (I've lost count of the number of times I've written or said this in the past several days).

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Chiron, not Chuck silly. And exactly. The fact that you even attempt to be objective or have your observations that don't align with the left's perceptions of reality, you are automatically far-right. It's short-sighted. It's dangerous. And I will never and have never join the ranks of any cult. Left or right. I'm a free-radical =)

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Awesome analysis!

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Funny you should bring up the constitution- it was written because they had just won their independence from a tyrannical king. Yet you speak of this red king with such fervor and adoration. You talk about healing. How is the newsletter anything, but alienating to a new reader of yours who happens to be a female who cares about the planet and the people of this country who are far less fortunate than myself. Have you been stripped of your rights? Not yet…but just wait. Project 2025 is sure to be enacted and then we will see who’s crying about freedoms. I wish you well. I follow astrology not to be bullied or belittled by a man who has the privileged to spew such vile words to those of us who have felt the ramifications of your red king’s decision to stripe us of our rights to bodily autonomy. Oh he sent it back to states. Whatever. Keep drinking the red kool-aid. I know you won’t miss me, being a “woke” female whose college degrees are an abject horror to most, but opened her eyes to the real world we live in. One filled with corporate greed and a fake all attitude even if it destroys the planet. I also happen to be in my Chiron return so yes I know about healing and the pain of living in society that doesn’t value peace,love and prosperity for all. It’s broken my heart a thousand times over to see what the end stages of capitalism has done to this planet and how it’s warped the minds of those who only care about themselves. Pluto will burn this country to ground and right now we would be better for it.

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I've been calling him the Red King since 2016, and never has it been with fervor or adoration. It's satirical. The point of the piece is to accept reality and to learn to move forward. All of these issues are beyond our realm of influence. All we can control is our own responses. To me, the Chiron work is deeply personal, and this insane inability to understand each other is a part of that healing. I'm not MAGA, btw. I'm just reporting on the reality with a Chiron return in mind.

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Didn’t Chiron beg for death because the wound wouldn’t heal?

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he did, but that was at the end of life, not the beginning. That wound was because of the poison arrow, not family inflicted.

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Chiron also sacrificed himself to free that progressive revolutionary Prometheus, surely there’s something here for US all to learn 🙏🏼

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Hey Adam,

You’ve shared a lot here, and while I don’t feel equipped to respond to the astrology aspect, I wanted to share some thoughts on the framing of this part:

"It was a clear and unbelievably powerful rejection of what the left has to offer these days. For some reason, the majority of people don’t seem to want more of the past four years."

I think this wording might oversimplify the situation. The data doesn’t necessarily support such a decisive conclusion, and the map you referenced, while striking, doesn’t account for population density—land doesn’t vote, people do. Maps like these can unintentionally reinforce the idea of a "majority red" country when that’s not the full picture.

Here’s some context: The U.S. population is around 330 million, and about 75 million are under 18 and ineligible to vote. In this election, approximately 160 million people cast ballots, meaning about half the country participated, and only a quarter of the total population likely voted for Trump.

Looking at past elections helps put this into perspective. For example:

In 2016, Hillary Clinton received 65,853,514 votes, while Trump won with 62,984,828 votes.

In 2012, Barack Obama received 65,915,795 votes, defeating Mitt Romney with 60,933,504 votes.

In 2008, Obama achieved 69,498,516 votes, the highest of any candidate at the time.

In 2020, Joe Biden set a new record with 81,283,501 votes, compared to Trump’s 74,223,975 votes.

What’s notable now is that Kamala Harris may surpass Trump’s 2020 total, solidifying her place as one of the highest-voted candidates in U.S. history, second only to Biden.

This is especially significant considering Kamala’s unique position as a Black and South Asian woman running against a polarizing incumbent. It’s also worth mentioning that Trump’s base includes factions advocating for white supremacy and Christian evangelicalism, adding another layer of complexity to voter dynamics.

I think it’s fair to explore how the Democratic Party could better meet the needs of voters across the spectrum, but it’s also important to accurately represent the data and acknowledge when visuals, like certain election maps or exit polls, can be misleading.

For example, this map provides a clearer representation of population density and the mixed political makeup of counties:


"He’s clearly not Hitler, and it doesn’t seem like he plans to impose a version of The Handmaid’s Tale during his term."

Have you looked into his cabinet nominations? While some might be seen as reasonable or even positive by people on both the left and the right, others are deeply concerning for the country’s future. I won’t dive into a full essay on the implications of his picks, but I do think it’s worth highlighting a few alarming details.

For instance, appointing Pete Hegseth as Secretary of Defense raises serious red flags—not least of which is his Jerusalem Cross tattoo, which many view as symbolic of problematic ideologies. On top of that, Trump is pressuring Congress to go into recess to avoid formal confirmations and is requesting that no background checks be conducted on his appointees. These are tactics designed to consolidate power in the executive branch and weaken the checks and balances that are fundamental to our democracy.

When we can clearly see Republican-led states changing their laws regarding health care access, book bans, religion in classrooms, divorce, women’s reproductive rights, education, and more, it feels dismissive—and frankly insulting—to reduce these tangible, real-life harms to "the lies and gaslighting of the left."

Consider this: when the Vice President tells The New York Times that women who choose not to have children (due to climate change) are sociopathic—while not applying the same label to men—or suggests that women without children shouldn’t have the same voting power as parents (again, not applied to childless men), we ought to take those statements seriously.

We’re seeing the consequences unfold in real time: shifts in the Supreme Court, alarming rhetoric from Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, and proposed policy changes shared openly by figures like JD Vance in interviews. These aren’t speculative claims—I’m listening to Republicans speak to Republicans, outlining their actual plans.

So, if you believe the left is guilty of lying and gaslighting, how do you reconcile that with the direct evidence of harmful policies and plans coming from the right? How can one side’s actions and words be dismissed as manipulation while the other side’s agenda, said plainly, goes unchallenged?

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to be clear, which I think I have been, I'm not a Trumper nor do I think this admin will change much, yet when I say that the majority have "rejected what's on offer on the left" is something I absolutely think to be true. The amount of censorship, lies, and gaslighting that has been in place since 2020 has been off the charts and people are just fed up with it. So they went for the Other. I do think there will be less of that now with them. Now, as far as how he is filling is cabinet, the only figures I'm excited about are RFK, Tulsi, and Elon (too an extent; I have my concerns about him). I'm not sold on this Christian fear-mongering. I've looked into all of it. Maybe you guys are right. I hope not. We shall see.

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Hey Adam,

I completely understand, and I appreciate that you’ve been clear about not being a Trump supporter. I didn’t get the impression from your post or comments that you’re a “Trumper.” I also saw you confirm this in the comments. My response wasn’t about trying to convince you of anything or assuming where your political leanings lie.

I responded because I don’t think Trump receiving 50.1% of the vote and Kamala receiving 48.3% (with the gap continuing to narrow) reflects an overwhelming majority. When you factor in that this represents only about a quarter of the total U.S. population-and that some states voting for Trump at the presidential level voted Democrat down-ballot-it’s hard for me to see this as an “overwhelming rejection of the left.” I wanted to share what I believe is statistical evidence to explain why I see the narrative differently.

My concerns about the Trump administration don’t come from left-wing news. They come from directly listening to figures like JD Vance in interviews, Trump in his speeches and rallies, and the rhetoric of Mike Johnson and others in positions of influence. I’ve watched who they elevate-figures like Tucker Carlson or Rudy Giuliani-and I’ve looked into the ideologies of people they admire, like Curtis Yarvin and Viktor Orbán, who are followed or praised by people like JD Vance, Elon Musk, and Peter Thiel.

I’m also paying attention to Republican-led states like Idaho, Oklahoma, and Texas, where laws are being passed that actively limit people’s rights or impose religious values into governance. These aren’t hypothetical fears-they’re happening in real time.

So, I still don’t fully understand how you interpret real laws and tangible harm as mere fear-mongering.

That said, I genuinely hope I’m wrong at what may come at the Federal level. I hope everything I’ve heard from these men about what they intend to do has been exaggeration or lies.

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This is the most reasonable argument and concern I've not only seen in this thread, but also from anyone with deep concerns about what comes next. Peter Thiel's influence is massive, yet I actually have the damndest time with him; Having libertarian sensibilities myself, when I listen to him (which I have for many hours trying to understand his thinking) I still am presented with the paradox of the disturbing intel Whitney Webb puts forward about him. Same for Elon, JD, etc. Yet, when I listen to these guys, they make much more sense on all the issues that really matter than anybody on the left imo. And then there is Curtis Yarvin. I applaud you if you are one of the 1% who actually understand what the hell he is talking about most the time, but I myself am not smart enough. I do know that he believes in monarchy, which, naturally feels a bit regressive. lol I also find it hard to imagine that many of these folks actually take his ideas too seriously. I know he has influence, but it feels peripheral. I could be wrong on this one. And lastly, in what is happening in those red states...it seems to me like the next moves to the inevitable breaking apart of the US. The coasts have nothing in common with the center of the country. It feels inevitable. It's sad. It's inconvenient. But at least it's easy enough to move between them before it's too late. Welcome to the 4th Turning. It's only just begun...and in a wyrd way, I'm excited. Change needed to come. Who are we to judge how the gods bring it about. If they wanted him dead, he wouldn't have moved his head at the last second. And what about Peanut? You see that squirrel run across the stage before Kamala's concession speech? The gods are playing funny games. We gotta accept it and spot the moves. We don't know enough to worry.

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Hey Adam,

Thank you for your reply...it’s refreshing to have a discussion like this where ideas can be explored without devolving into unproductive arguments. I appreciate the thought you’ve put into understanding figures like Thiel, Musk, and JD Vance. It’s clear you’ve spent a lot of time listening to them, and I get how their views can resonate, especially if you lean toward libertarian sensibilities.

I think where we differ is in how we interpret their influence and intentions. For example, while I agree that Curtis Yarvin’s ideas can feel abstract and convoluted, it’s concerning to me that someone with a platform advocating monarchy, however theoretical, is influencing prominent figures in modern politics. Even if his ideas feel peripheral now, history shows us that fringe ideologies often start that way before gaining traction. I could be wrong, but I tend to see these connections as worth scrutinizing rather than dismissing outright.

Regarding the red states and the laws being passed, I also feel the weight of what might be an inevitable fracturing of the U.S. You’re right, the cultural and political divide between the coasts and the center feels massive, and sometimes I wonder if a true reconciliation is even possible. I find it sad, though, because while moving between states is an option for some, for many others, it’s not...due to financial constraints, family ties, or the sheer difficulty of uprooting one’s life. This uneven ability to adapt to these shifts feels like it will leave a lot of people vulnerable.

As for your mention of the 4th Turning, I get what you’re saying about change being necessary and inevitable. But I think it’s also human to worry when that change might come at the cost of rights, stability, or even lives. While we can’t predict how things will unfold, I believe it’s still our responsibility to voice concerns and try to guide the change toward something better.

The squirrel! what a strange moment! the gods clearly have a sense of humor and perhaps that is what we witnessed the other night. All we can do is keep paying attention and doing what we can with the pieces we have.



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sorry for the delayed response. Substack didn't notify me of a response (maybe it wants to bury this one). `but yes, if we can't have these dialogues, then that fracturing is inevitable. Peanut magik, miracle misses, and the ten thousand other little things that have come together for this must be trusted. We can have our concerns and even our fears, but in the end: we don't know enough to worry! Thanks for the comments Amy.

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Thank you Adam!

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“For the US and for all of us, we should pay close attention to his example.” Yes! Thanks for this wondrous post. I’m inspired.

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You are welcome Mary. Thanks for reading it and not leaping at me with knives out! lol

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Would I were not a pacifist. Ha!

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next life, next post =)

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Practice what you preach?

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Do I? Does Chiron? Does he?

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