“Eternity is in love with the productions of time.”
So it turns out, the universe may be expanding in a way we didn’t expect. It seems to have variations and isn’t constant like we thought. One of the fundamental ideas of cosmology is that everything looks the same in all directions if you look over large enough distances. A new study using data from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and ESA's XMM-Newton is challenging that basic notion. Like mycelium growing through a food source, the universe is slowed down or sped up depending on the environment it’s growing into. They speculate it’s because of dark matter—something else we don’t understand. And as long as we are speculating, why not dragons!?
Speaking of those mythic creatures, we are officially in the dragon hole! The space between eclipses is indeed a window into the nature of our stories and how wild they can get when the dragons (Rahu & Ketu) are near the luminaries. I wonder if it was in a dragon hole when Einstein visited Hubble to become convinced of the expanding universe theory and to call his own theory of a static one the “biggest blunder” of his career. This is wisdom. It’s in stories like this that we should take notes—to be able to change one’s mind, to admit when we are wrong, what a novel idea…
For those of you afraid of eclipses, your perspective is founded and based on deep tradition, but they are more than something else to be feared. For those of you elated by them, chasing them all over the planet—from festivals to healing retreats to epicenters of totality—because you love them so much, there is some good evidence of why you should be more cautious and aware of what else is going on. You see, eclipses are little miracles we get to experience every six months; they are also portals, and what comes through those portals can rip apart our reality tunnels. Which can be a good thing, but it can also be terrifying (see: Veronika).
The gentle, partial lunar eclipse that happened this morning in Libra has spawned a whole weyr of dragons in my belly. It’s the kind of excitement I used to get before big games as a child; it’s the kind of insect—usually a butterfly—that portends exciting twists and turns just around the corner; it’s the kind of magic that happens when you change the name once again of your podcast you have been doing for 15 years. That’s right, no more Holes to Heavens! Gone, along with my old website. No more.
The new show is called Constellating Cosmos. You may or may not notice any changes to the content. But I do feel a shift that is quite noticeable around it. Ever since my old site (holestoheavens.com) was hacked and turned into an ebony porn site for a short time, I’ve never related to the name in the same way. I’m sure you can understand. So, with the new site (www.adam-sommer.com) and the 3rd wave of the podcast, I invite you all to enjoy this dragon hole like it were your first. Be like Einstein or Chiron and be willing to change your mind. There’s so much to learn in here…
Thanks for reading. More to be found below:
So, what do you think?
I’ve also had an idea to widen the net of support over on Patreon. So, historically, the $100 tier was a limited one given to my personal students—and still is—but what I’d like to do is include an option for it to also apply to follow-up readings with me. As you know, doing one reading is never enough. I do offer packages, but I understand things are tight out there. And so, moving forward if you’d like to support my work, gain access to all our monthly classes/parlors/practice charts/apprenticeship recordings, and also get a reading with me each month, this is now an option. You can pledge your support HERE:
My latest piece on the Astrological Year which just began:
…if you’d like to learn more about the connection of dreams and astrology:
And my latest podcast trying to reconcile Stoicism and Astrology:
Stoicism & Astrology
FEB 28
The Vimshottari Class is now available to watch by clicking the snake below:
I’ve also got a couple of slots to take on students one-on-one; if you are interested, you can learn more about the Apprenticeship HERE; You can also just watch the classes and learn. Certification isn’t required:
You can also join future classes by supporting my work in becoming a Patron HERE:
If you’d like to work with me, use PROMO CODE: FRIEND to get 25% off a single session:
Recent writings:
MAR 14
Aether Madness
Recent Podcasts:
The Trans-Neptunian Planets with Jenn Zahrt
JAN 29
A Trinity for 24' "Endless Inquiries"
DECEMBER 31, 2023
First of all, I love the new Constellating Cosmos look - everything about it. Funny thing about the butterflies in the belly - I'm having that same experience today, but I have no idea why - other than the dragon hole. After having norovirus a couple weeks ago, it freaked me out at first, but you saved me from myself! Also... there's an accompanying twitchiness that doesn't go with being sick.
Have you really watched Veronika?
Yes to the new everything Adam - that pod art is beautiful btw, I feel the earth and stars woven within it, planning to listen to the latest today.
Again with the cosmic timing, I’m also launching my new website (today hopefully) but this week for sure, completing the cycles and coming current with what’s true today. Would never have made a portal connection without reading this passage of yours. I also love thinking that all new things emerging now are wee hatchling dragons… eggs cracking, tiny shrieks of life and fire emerging.