It was yesterday, not today. During the spirit hours of March 20th, the Sun crossed the Aries point to usher in another astrological year. Now, for all of you Siderealists who won’t read beyond this sentence, I completely understand that the Sun isn’t actually in Aries yet for you, but is in early Pisces (5º with the Equinox). To that, my answer is the image I’ve generated above. If it doesn’t make sense, think: Regulus, then ages and aions. Our divide only creates more confusion. I ask for a truce, which is a theme spotted in the year ahead.
There was a time when I would never cast a chart for this moment, but now it's one of my favorite charts to keep on my desktop to track the themes throughout the year. It looks like this:
I was taught to always use Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) to cast this chart, so that is what we are looking at. With Capricorn rising, thoughts immediately begin to constellate into memories from Pluto's time here over the past 16 years: the GFC, Occupy, the Red King, the virus, the Sleepy King—so Arthurian—and the countless other disasters that Pluto revealed in the plumbing of the machine.Â
To "build back better" we glance at Saturn (chart ruler) who we find in Pisces at a similar degree (12º not 11º) thus creating a sextile from the 3rd house. It points to the seemingly impossible task of clear communication and trust in information currently. It's the mountain. Yet, because of the sextile and the elemental support, it invites in the wisdom of bees—that is, in how they build and how they are wired by 6s. Honey only comes from the work, and when the work is the honey, we have arrived. Honeycomb epiphanies abound. But, no honey if we are caged by our own self-censorship program. It challenges us to look for ways out of this. It dares us to pick up some useful tools along the way. Anything that will help us to understand no issue has only one side.
Saturn is also with Venus. She has become burnt out on the morning sky and is high on ideas of what it's going to be like when she travels on the other side of the Sun, making her way to the evening in the West. This conjunction adds a few bars of lead to her ship though, forcing us to see through stoic eyes to where we are at—especially in our relationships.
Being the astrological year begins in eclipse season with Mercury in pre-shadow, we must factor in these nuanced considerations too. These liminal liaisons will ensure plot twists alongside many peaks and troughs. It will keep things confusing. Nobody knows what's going to happen this November. Nobody knows where AI is going to take us. I ask everyone and they all say the same: I have no idea. But, it's going to be wild. Well, in November, by using this chart we can deduce that the Sun will be in Scorpio transiting the MC which is ruled by Mars—who will also be in its own pre-shadow at that point for the retrograde that ends the year. Translation: It all checks out! Intense, like the circus it is.
And we can't forget Chiron. Still traveling with Rahu, still scheduled to be exactly—to the arc minute—conjunct the April 8th eclipse. It seems Texas is laying claim to this one because of the crisscross it makes in the south of the state, which is wyrd; you may have already heard or made the connection yourself in regards to the border. This theme is not going to go away any time soon. No border or bleeding hearts are going to stop it. The language will mutate, likely, from a crisis to an invasion at various points of the year.
There is also a curious Yod in the chart. Can you spot it? It's between Saturn, the upcoming Jupiter/Uranus conjunction, and Ketu up in the 10th. What is god pointing to here? How can the South Node of the Moon carry us through the year?
The most obvious beginning to this interpretation is around peace. When October 7th happened (also Putin's birthday), we were last in eclipse season and the Total Solar Eclipse was on this Ketu in Libra; the first thought I had was: there will be no peace in the Middle East...for quite some time—or, at least until the Nodes have left Aries/Libra. It's easy to despair when looking at it in this way, but it's not wrong. What we must do is include the redemption arc, and keep it close to home, in our relationships.
There are ten thousand ways to critique what has come of relationships and how we socialize thanks to social media over the past decade, but we must accept it and learn to adapt. There are no solutions, only trade-offs. We can't be Luddites, nor is it the move to slap on the Vision Pro for a first date. So when it comes to seeing the Yod point as Ketu in the 10th, there is a serpent coiled around a very old idea that can teach us the secret to how to be in this world. Jesus may have been onto it. It seems to be a related echo of the idea of treating others like we would like to be treated.
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"Â
It's not an easy task to explain the energies of the year through a chart. I suppose I'm barely even trying. I'm just pointing—a finger at the Moon (you’ll have to guess which one). The chart for the astrological year is a helpful study guide though. And when it comes alive, you will know. If you are into predictions, you will want to use it. Just follow the transits around the wheel and you will see.
All in all, I'm into it. I didn't mention that Leo Moon trine to the Sun's ingress though. This waxing moon gives me hope. In fact, under Dartmoor moonlight last evening I translated a few whispers, and out came the 3rd—and hopefully final—name of the podcast: Constellating Cosmos. What do you think?
Vernal Equinox; March 20th, 24'; 3:07 am; 00º Aries
eclipse season: roughly March 16th-April 23rd
Happy belated Equinox! And thank you for reading…
to work with me: adventure deeper into kosmos, mythos, and psyche
to learn Astrology: support the creation of my writings/podcasts and be showered with gifts as well
I love it! All of it. Thanks Adam
Synchronistic. Your new pod name is coincidental with the article of Son of Mercury on his substack entitled: "How to Constellate(Part 1)" This year will be most memorable indeed, but only for all of us still in the body by the next. Carpe diem!