"He sees Hermes as representing a challenge to established order, a rejection of societal constraints, and a pursuit of forbidden knowledge or experiences." I agree with this idea. I think of him that way as well... and inherent in this notion is the idea of firewalls around our "forbidden" intellectual and imaginative pursuits.
Some of us are used to this slippery sleight of hand kind of mental work--those that grew up with invasive parents and such. The gift of a certain kind of trauma. As a teenager I hid my books and always listened on the phone for errant sounds that gave away a listener on another line and I could tell if my letters (remember those things that came in envelopes with stamps on them?) had been steamed open.
I think though, that you're correct, the way we learn to navigate these times will lie in our ability to own our time away from anything digital--to get lost in the mountains and forests or on the moor as the case may be, maybe with a dog-eared real paper book in hand and stub of pencil in our pocket.
the nostalgia will be strong. another wave of an archaic revival for certain. and yeah, you are right, it is a 'slippery sleight of hand'. I feel its alive in all of us to degrees. The image: steampunk motif surrounded by wild green, tapped into natures energy, so easily turned off and on-running all the power when needed....running a btc node! lol Happy. In right relation to the magic of the black mirror, not ruled by it.
“What thoughts are mine, really? If any at all?” My endless query... as is “what is under my purview? What is mine to undertake?”
I was in the air traveling from the US to Australia via an hour in Hawaii on the morning of the 19th, landing the night of the 20th. In the air for 16 hours or so, from 40,000 ft I was asking Pluto for guidance on this time, my Aquarian moon feeling neutrally curious and super spacious with what’s coming/here. I’m a seer, I see and hear a lot. I’ve been calling the future since I incarnated... this travel day was fascinating. He asked me what I saw, and I said, clouds. Well, there you have it. We have clouds, storms, clear skies, more clouds. Here is your human analog, Heather. Humans have been making clouds too, it’s no longer just ‘happening to us’ and I feel that was the teaching; entering an age where we (collectively?) will no longer deny that we are in a profound influence over, and are in deep relationship with, our Earth home (finally, sigh). A wise and living being. And our skies. And the stars... And the technology, the AI, the ‘air’ currencies will usher in both the brightest of lights and the darkest of shadows. As you say, is it time/our path to evolve beyond the biology? Be a lot easier to explore space if breathing and eating wasn’t a necessity...
Looking forward to more of your tracking and awareness building Adam.
thanks for sharing your Pluto dialogue from 40,000 feet. Some great cloud-seed wonderings in there. Happy to know that you think about these bizarre noetic ideas as often as I do =)
"He sees Hermes as representing a challenge to established order, a rejection of societal constraints, and a pursuit of forbidden knowledge or experiences." I agree with this idea. I think of him that way as well... and inherent in this notion is the idea of firewalls around our "forbidden" intellectual and imaginative pursuits.
Some of us are used to this slippery sleight of hand kind of mental work--those that grew up with invasive parents and such. The gift of a certain kind of trauma. As a teenager I hid my books and always listened on the phone for errant sounds that gave away a listener on another line and I could tell if my letters (remember those things that came in envelopes with stamps on them?) had been steamed open.
I think though, that you're correct, the way we learn to navigate these times will lie in our ability to own our time away from anything digital--to get lost in the mountains and forests or on the moor as the case may be, maybe with a dog-eared real paper book in hand and stub of pencil in our pocket.
the nostalgia will be strong. another wave of an archaic revival for certain. and yeah, you are right, it is a 'slippery sleight of hand'. I feel its alive in all of us to degrees. The image: steampunk motif surrounded by wild green, tapped into natures energy, so easily turned off and on-running all the power when needed....running a btc node! lol Happy. In right relation to the magic of the black mirror, not ruled by it.
“What thoughts are mine, really? If any at all?” My endless query... as is “what is under my purview? What is mine to undertake?”
I was in the air traveling from the US to Australia via an hour in Hawaii on the morning of the 19th, landing the night of the 20th. In the air for 16 hours or so, from 40,000 ft I was asking Pluto for guidance on this time, my Aquarian moon feeling neutrally curious and super spacious with what’s coming/here. I’m a seer, I see and hear a lot. I’ve been calling the future since I incarnated... this travel day was fascinating. He asked me what I saw, and I said, clouds. Well, there you have it. We have clouds, storms, clear skies, more clouds. Here is your human analog, Heather. Humans have been making clouds too, it’s no longer just ‘happening to us’ and I feel that was the teaching; entering an age where we (collectively?) will no longer deny that we are in a profound influence over, and are in deep relationship with, our Earth home (finally, sigh). A wise and living being. And our skies. And the stars... And the technology, the AI, the ‘air’ currencies will usher in both the brightest of lights and the darkest of shadows. As you say, is it time/our path to evolve beyond the biology? Be a lot easier to explore space if breathing and eating wasn’t a necessity...
Looking forward to more of your tracking and awareness building Adam.
thanks for sharing your Pluto dialogue from 40,000 feet. Some great cloud-seed wonderings in there. Happy to know that you think about these bizarre noetic ideas as often as I do =)