Late 2009 was when CO sank its claws into me. A short stop over in Lyons on a cross country road trip turned into weeks then months then years. My first job in CO was at a coffee shop in Niwot (Winot Coffee). The owner was friends with Gregory and his music was always playing to the aroma of fresh pulled espresso shots. I think the land has more sway in our lives than we realize, dispersing us and then claiming us, like pollen in the wind. Interesting this musing on your podcast reshaping itself comes when you're held in range of the flat-irons. What CO tectonic plates are moving that so too move this living audio? I say listen to your heart... and never stop sharing stories. May this podcast (in my hope) be a continued living flame we can gather around in the night, a campfire that warms us for brief moments on our journeys, a hearth of oral tradition, and a forever shape-shifting muse.

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I know that coffee shop. It's actually close to where Alexander used to live. And now, it's not just that coffee shop, but all of them that have Greg playin'. It's so wild how big he's gotten. I love it. A silver lining in culture. And thank you for your reflections Jacqueline. Helpful.

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“This final square will resonate with a related theme for all of us around what it means to be sharing ourselves with the world from a true place.” This is so pertinent for me, and it seems like a good time to pause and really consider how we move forward. I love how you’re honouring that, and can’t wait to see what happens next. Thanks very much ♥️

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Thank you AnnaMarie. Yeah, it feels right-it feels like a true place

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Hi Adam

I truly appreciate your podcast; Thank you for sharing it selflessly. Please continue creating content! While you've mentioned that you're not particularly inclined to follow trends, it's worth noting that certain topics, especially those related to traditional practices, spark curiosity among many listeners, myself included. I take pleasure in exploring traditional astrology, astrological magic, and learning about old techniques. While some of these methods might need visuals, there are still plenty of fascinating philosophical mysteries in ancient texts and stories waiting to be discussed.

It's a humble suggestion, but I would be delighted if you could create content on more on the ancient wisdom, omens, and related subjects into your podcast, if only it excites you!

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Thanks for your feedback Nesli. There's definitely room for more of that. And that is certainly one such trend. I've done many shows on ancient traditions from the asclepians and the Elusinian mysteries, traditional astrology and magic, but it's not my focus fully. I can leave most that to Chris and Adam and invite in more hermetic, jyotish, and shamanism perhaps. The storeis need more room to frolick as well.

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Hi Adam, Responding to your The Midpoint Release podcast: your comment regarding becoming a minimalist resonates big time; feels like it's time to simplify. I LOVE your podcasts and look forward to listening to them whenever you put them out; I have found that I can become very distracted by the visuals in YouTube. Please keep them coming, any subject you feel inspired to discuss. And I enjoy your interviews, again whomever and whatever you feel inspired to do. My natal Venus conjunct my Midheaven at 16' is approaching a Chiron conjunction, transiting Pluto has been hitting my Descendant and opposing my Ascendant, and my progressed Sun sits at 0' Leo. I'm currently deep into assisting my 90+ year old parents, divorced 50 years but friends. I often feel like my life has been turned upside down, but it's all good... a positive attitude will get me through this better than a negative view.

I've been studying astrology 'catch as catch can' for the past 6 years and will be a lifetime student. Thank you for what you put out into this world and keep up the good work.

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you and me are similar then. I learn so much more through books and conversations without visuals. Thanks for sharing. And best of luck with you parents and your astro-journey.

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Adam! Just listened to this ironically on my way up to Boulder from Denver. Saw Gregory for the first time last year accompanied by the Colorado Symphony - blew me away. One of my best friends from Boulder took me as a surprise and it (he) truly was a heart-opening experience.

I loved this podcast. Per your request: I have enjoyed pretty much all of your guests. I particularly love when you and a fellow astrologer ponder/explore/reflect on the particular moment of time we are in. (The recent one discussing Maui was super interesting to me. I know, I know, it wasn't the intent, and yet I really enjoyed the exploration.)

Tracking with the stars is the most sense-making I experience of the flow of our cultures, countries, and humanity. You seem to do it inherently, almost effortlessly, and for that I'm deeply grateful. Whatever your transmission is, it makes sense to me, so I am grateful for the time you take to record (ps - what mic do you use?)

Side note: Earlier this year I returned to Sydney after 9 years to go through a similar exercise as you and your storage (plus get my parents sh*t together.... that's been a lifelong thing) so I resonate with the exercise, the dust, the quiet heartache and memory... and the desire to let it all go and find new homes.

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Haha, no way. Wyrd! Been beautiful here this Fall. And thank you for the feedback Heather. The is usually a Shure SM7B, but this one is my travel mic, which is a Yeti. Yes, the dusted memories and effort is an uncomfortable excersize. I'm past the hump now though. Feels great.

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Adam, I enjoyed some of your previous podcasts, and I wish to listen to them all.

The Saturn Opposition was one of the hardest transits I remember in my adult years. Although it is probably wrong to give all the weight to Saturn, Pluto was on my 21.30-degree cap AC during that time, and Saturn joined him later on that degree when the world shifted. I was also a month away from my Progressed NewMoon. I have survived :)

I hope your podcast's Saturn Opposition brings great progress after the transit :)  Thank you for your light!

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Thank you Nesli. And your example offers one of the great struggles in astrology, which is: how to parse out one transit from the next-or is it just one big smush of alchemy?!? Glad you survived it.

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I am super grateful for all your content. It’s helped me learn so much. And to answer your question about who we like hearing you talk to the most in my humble opinion it’s Mark Jones;) But I am partial bc he’s been such an integral part of my soul’s healing and astrology/Psychosynthesis studies the past few years. I also need to add I always love the music on your shows, and wow that song on this!🙌🏼💗Thank you Adam.🙏🏼

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thank you for the feedback Valerie. Mark, again! haha At least Mark and I are more clear. And I'm happy about the musical approval. I'm attached to that part as well. It ain't the same on Youtube without it

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Hi Adam,

I appreciate all of the ways throughout the years that you have demonstrated, and communicated your devotion, and maturation process through to ever evolving truer expressions of your work. I really love the ways that you’ve shared your heartfelt adaptations to content production (like when the recording of a podcast isn’t in flow with what is happening in the rest of your life), and all of the ways you attune to and honor the turning of your own inspired or expiring cycles and rythms, all the while maintaining the integrity of your offerings. I love listening to your podcasts, you’ve had the most amazing guests! Some of my favorites are Adam Tetlow, Edward Tick, Gary Caton. I personally would love to hear you dive deeper into the cycles of ancient history, mysteries, stories and myth through what ever traditions you might feel alligned with or inspired by?(Like the beginning of time and human beings and cosmic history kind of stuff).

I really just appreciate witnessing and learning through knowing your work and all of the ways you continue to evolve and share your growth and wisdom. Glad you’re honoring the pause and I look forward to seeing what inspires you next…

with gratitude.

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Thank you for this Veronica. Love seeing Adam T showing up your list. There will be more with him, for sure. And great suggestions as well. Many ideas in or around those percolating...

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Hey Adam, I so appreciate your voice, your friends, your wisdom, your music. Please keep sharing as you feel fit. To me, your content is quality over quantity and I appreciate that. Sometimes we can feel a bit guilty for not keeping up with our own expectations, so just let that go I say. We can also feel guilt in changing our minds, when perhaps that should be celebrated, it’s evolutionary. When you mentioned about minimalism. I pinged! As I am about to go on this journey too. I watched a Minimalist Documentary recently and it truly excited me. I think minimalism can save the world! Imagine if we all stopped consuming! It truly is the Cancer of the world, eating away at everything and everyone. I am in my 60’s now. I grew up in an era when we fixed things and we purchased quality over quantity. Rarely had takeout food. There weren’t and fast food places around anyway. Nil softdrinks (soda) in the fridge. We got 1 or 2 toys for Xmas and birthdays. We wore hand me downs and had small rubbish bins because there was very little waste. I could go on...We need to get back to that. Quality over quantity every time. I think your Feelin it...maybe?

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Quality over quantity for sure. It's a good practice. And which doc was it? I've seen a couple. It's definitely the goal-esp for my lifestyle. It's feeling closer and closer and closer. Thanks for the feedback Chez.

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You’re welcome Adam. Here is the link to the doco I watched. You may have seen it already? I think they may even have a new one out?


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oh yes yes, I've seen this one. Inspiring for sure. Maybe ready for another watch.

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I’ve watched it 3X. 😁

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impressive! haah

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Hi Adam Thanks for sharing where you're at! Sounds like you're in the depths of that Saturn opposition of your podcast, re-evaluating it all!!! My observation around that is that the question we often think we're being confronted by - continue or not (in black & white terms) - well in my experience things are in more of a spiral, and tend to come back later and they're re-woven into the fabric of lives then ... I guess I'm just saying it's not as all or nothing as it might appear from where you're at now. :) In terms of the podcasts, I've always enjoyed your conversations with Mark Jones, especially on planetary nodes., and others that I can't remember now. You've got a very extensive back catalogue! Good luck with the mid-life transits ... it's quite a ride!!! ❤️

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I appreciate your feedback Chirone; you aren't the first to mention Mark. He's clearly all of your favorite guest. We will squeeze something into being, I'm sure of it. 24' perhaps....

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