Personally I’m very ready for the Jupiter ingress to Taurus (my rising), I was loving Jupiter in Aries in my 12th house but with Mercury rx in that house, the eclipse and retrograde I’ve felt I don’t know which way is up!!

On a National social/financial scale, my eyes are peeled for the effects of the CBDC electronic currency....I really don’t want cash to fizzle out but from what I read in the astrology world, this new currency could be beneficial to all.....we’ll have to wait and see.

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I'm not sure who you are reading in the astrology world that is saying the CBDC will be a good thing, but I recommend considering other sources. If you value your freedom, if you are skeptical of the surveillance state, I would think on this one deeper. But yes, Jupiter's time in Taurus seems to line up quite well with the unveiling of this tech in many countries. From the way I see it, it is symbolic of an endgame scenario. No beuno.

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May 12, 2023Liked by Adam Sommer

Thanks Adam, I really like this. Feels right on time for me and where I’m at. The terraforming of Mars has always sounded pretty foolish to me. I have a lot more hope for my own self tho :)

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That's the approach! More faith for thyself than Elon =)

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