Something interesting about Chiron I read recently; genX have him opposing their Pluto Uranus conjunction in Virgo. And activated by transit from Saturn and Mars currently. Health, diet, addiction themes? Seems significant to me that at the end he chose death. Thank you, enjoyed this post!

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that is definitely an aspect pattern to be contemplated long and hard. We are seeing much of it coming to fruition it seems right now. So interesting.

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It is, so many interesting themes to investigate, like health, medicine, addiction, mental health, gardening 😆

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Apr 13Liked by Adam Sommer

Born in 1968 and this is in my chart., thank you for brining this up. Personal insight: I feel like I am balancing between "addictive substances" and body health quite often. Balancing it for me is real, as sometimes the labeling of it is that "savior or savor" mentality. Perhaps if I/we don't over indulge in one or the other (as I can do at times) and allow for balance, that is the medicine.

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as William Blake once said, "the road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom." Everyone has their own sweet spot in finding balance with addictions. It's a life long pursuit, we just need to pursue it!!!

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Yeah I get that. The therapeutic margin.

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I'm looking at a client chart right now with that set up. Born in 1964 - same as my sister. And my 2 other siblings are also Gen X. I've been contemplating the Chiron opposition to Pluto-Uranus for years. Watching them, I'd say health and diet for sure. They're all obsessed with the metrics - the whole longevity thing. Maybe that's the Uranus part... 🤔 Trying to outwit mortality... I don't see the addiction theme, but that doesn't mean it's not there. I'm 3 years older - technically a boomer but at the very end and don't have it, but in my chart the opposition between Pluto and Chiron is tighter.

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I have it exact opposite Pluto at 10 degrees. Fun times😂

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Oh wow! Mine is between 5 & 6 degrees. Very close.

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Any idea what we’re meant to be doing then? 😃

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I think it depends on what houses. My Chiron-Pluto opposition is 2nd-8th and part of a grand cross with the moon and MC. Aside from astrology, I work with students (academic coaching/tutoring in French and English writing). It's part of my Chiron story, but adding up all the pieces of my grand cross story is a lot with these players and I usually only see pieces of it rather than seeing the whole constellation at once.

I'd be happy to compare notes some time if you'd like though.

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Astrology and teaching looks like a common theme. So cool x

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Apr 11Liked by Adam Sommer

Thank you for this, Adam. There were some definite lightbulb moments here for me to savor. Curious that savor is just savior without the “I”. Thank you again for the cazimi epiphany!

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exactly! Like plants and planets. Many linguistic genes the same, much to learn from such pairings. Thanks for reading Nicole.

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Apr 12Liked by Adam Sommer

Oh thats funny! I dont think Ive ever read this Chandra symbol. The Aries 24 and 25 yes, because its my Venus but 23 never heard and I totally get it Adam😆. You know, Lord Indra liked his beverage too, the Soma. Agni liked it much as well. Important reminder that we are mortals and to be aware of over indulgences in all that we do and what may be needed medicine one day can be poison and this in reverse as well. Now I have Jefferson Airplane White Rabbit stuck in my head🤣🤩

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I must say, you are always getting songs stuck in your head. How in the world do you get them out? Or is it just like ten thousand jukeboxes playing at once up there?

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Apr 13Liked by Adam Sommer

Definitely the later part🤣 and you would not want to be anywhere in the same building as me and an actual jukebox🤣🤣🤣

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Apr 13Liked by Adam Sommer

Adam! I looked down at my the radio which is shuffling through music and read the part Fish In A Bird Cage and my mercury in Pisces and Gemini ascendant self was like Bah Ha ha🤣 This is a new song for me and it made me realize moon should be OOB right now and wouldnt you know it! It sure is and its at 21° Gemini now and this song has drinking and sipping on it and telling me to kick the coffee cups!! I think😬🤣 This does not show it but in my Shuffle it had #21 in front of it! https://youtu.be/4pGJBddupQA?si=l6rsvfCb4KzZB2u-

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...you sure it wasn't "...despite all my rage I'm still just a rate in a cage?"

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Apr 12Liked by Adam Sommer

Thanks Adam, this is so perfect. I learned a version of this lesson in ceremony last weekend. I hadn’t quite put the savor/savior words to it but they fit really well, so thank you for that. I’ll tell the story in the parlor.

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Oh, now exciting. Looking forward to hearing it this Sunday then...

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My goodness Adam! You sent me back into another smashing pumpkins rabbit hole🤣. I listened to them none stop in 2004🤪🤣 plus I have to feed our snake rats so, I have a bunch of frozen rates in my garage. I so dislike that part btw. Chimera is still my favorite song which was not out in 04 and and it appears to be a much disliked song too. Lol. I still love it🥰🤩

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