“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of the parent.”
- James Hollis
By far, one of the most difficult tasks of being human is to become aware of the shadow. Many think they are, yet they seem to hate so many things. Anything we hate is our shadow on display. If we spot it, we’ve got it—to some degree. People like to complicate it, but it’s sometimes that easy. And so much of it stems from the “unlived life of the parents” and the resentment they carried around that story. It lives on in us. We are the sequel.
Being that Saturn is now retrograde until November, I thought it a good idea to place this giant idea between us as Saturn comes closer over the coming months. Wherever Pisces falls in our charts is where this meditation is set to occur (19-12º Pisces; June 29th-Nov 15th).
In the podcast I did on Saturn in Pisces, I explored the inner drama between the Puer and the Senex—or, the eternal child and old, wise man. It’s a complex James Hillman wrote about extensively and also pertains powerfully to not just Saturn being in Pisces, but to the slowly forming conjunction between Saturn and Neptune. Saturn being the Senex and Neptune (Pisces), the Puer.
We can see it everywhere. Generations refusing to grow up. A world more polarized than we can remember. Presidential debates that sound like fights on a 4th-grade playground. We are immature. We are soft. And we don’t know what to do with our shadows, so we fling them all around, talking sh*t, complaining about this group, that person, or planet without ever realizing that it’s us. It’s always us. We are the ones experiencing the story. Until we awaken to the fact we are the storytellers and we reclaim our shadows, not only will we be missing the real Saturn work, but we will also remain miserable. This is actually Saturn’s greatest gift. It’s just hard to see it, when we are in it.
When a planet is retrograde, it is close; its themes are more readily translated and felt. And so, with Saturn we slowly move into the events of the Fall, reluctant, yet willing; If we give ourselves the time to reflect with him, there will be much we are able to reclaim. If we don’t, we will remain screaming at the screen.
It’s now Pluto and Saturn who are Rx. Neptune is next. That’s a lot of powerful medicine available to us in the days ahead. Are we going to take it?
Adam Gainsburg returned to the pod recently, after a few years of absence. We talked all about Mars cycles and this rascal we have on the horizon. If you haven’t listened, you can do so HERE:
We also did the Moon Dasha Class last night. Aside from my annoying cough that refuses to exit my body, I think it went very well. We explored the curse of eclipses in the royal family and some of their moon dashes. Very interesting….
For those of you who either missed my lecture series for the Astrology Hub last year on the Astrology of Bitcoin or are simply experiencing some intense FOMO at the moment, I have made the class available on my new site. You can also get it for free by becoming a Patron of my work:
I still have 1 slot left for 1 curious person to learn more about themselves with Mercury and myself as guides. There has never been a better time to embark than right now. It’s just begun. Click him to learn more:
My latest piece of writing about this lunar cycle:
The Gemini Solution
I’ve also got a couple of slots to take on students one-on-one; if you are interested, you can learn more about the Apprenticeship HERE; You can also just watch the classes and learn. Certification isn’t required, though it is an option:
You can also join future classes by supporting my work in becoming a Patron HERE:
If you’d like to work with me, use PROMO CODE: FRIEND to get 25% off a single session:
Recent writings:
Magical Thinking
MAY 16
.: Mountain of the Moon :.
Recent Podcasts:
Deep Astrological Questions with Ray Grasse
MAY 30
Constellating Cosmos: an introduction
APR 25
Powerful 🪐 Rising up where we just grow up and allow ourselves to take part in our own evolution.