What came to mind immediately for me when I read this was the legend of the White Buffalo and White Buffalo Calf Woman... I can't quite piece it together with the Red Heifer story but it seems like the antidote. Here's a version of it: https://www.legendsofamerica.com/na-whitebuffalo/

At the very least, here's some bovine white to go with your bovine red. Maybe they'll try to sacrifice the Red Heifer and it'll transform into the White Buffalo...

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and then...enter the golden calf-again. I love the White Buffalo story. It's really all about cows, isn't it? They do bring many amazing treats into our world, that's for sure

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The greatest we can do is to come to know ourselves intimately and find the pathway to change thereby. The stars give us clues and a starting point, the rest is up to us.

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that's exactly right. One of the truest use cases for astrology, no doubt!

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That red heifer story is like something from Monty Python 🐍

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it truly does; I wish it was a sketch comedy special, but it's too real. Frightening!

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Thanks, as ever, for this sanguine share Adam, and for tracking in the ways that you do. I’ve been in deep communion with Mars lately, sitting with him, learning from him, and asking for his high teachings.

I have Sun, Mercury, Mars and a few asteroids in Aries. 🔥 Mars is my chart’s ruler though it has a Neptunian wash. It’s been a personally interesting time...

I stay clear of the zeitgeist and all the media’s attempts to sway my mind and heart, perhaps because I am guarded and guided by Mars? The wars of humanity are an abomination and yet they have never stopped... I still believe we are/can be more than a warring species. It starts with us. I will not war, though I know how to.

It’s like a part of me laughs in the face of all who would dare pull me from my cosmically compassionate and neutral center. Mars much? Maybe the bright side of Aries? The fire dancing right now with Sag is spark/ling my edges.

I’ll be curious after this period to hear more about Mars’ influence especially with Mercury’s dance underway. Until then, flames tended, hearts open, onward.

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sounds like you have found a rare and buoyant center with all your Aries; it's true, it does start from within, though we often forget time scale with that. I imagine we've still got a few thousand years or more left of warring and 'holy cows' to go. You are doing it right though!

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While all three of those reps of the fundamentalist versions of the Abrahamic religions have names that start with B--Bush, Bibi and Bin Lasen--I can assure you I, Bryan Winchell, come in peace! 😊☮️✌️😊

Ha ha, sometimes a silly thought is all I have to share, but in all seriousness, thanks for this piece, stay dry and paint the red heifers of your world white!

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BBB....B-lue. I will paint them blue. I think the Indian take. Psilo-blue. That cow connection is one I can get behind, and pray with. Thanks for your comment Bryan.

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LOL, psilo-blue reminds me of watching painter Bob Ross episodes on PBS in my teenage years with my brother and our friends and getting a kick out of his rundown of paints on the palette. I may be wrong, but I’m pretty sure psilo-blue was on there often! Anyway, blue’s my favorite color so paint away!

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wait, what? Bob Ross used to say that? Seriously lol

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Wow... Thank you ❤️‍🔥

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seen any in your parts?

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Red cows? Yes many, but not without white spots. Will keep an eye out.

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it's gotta be perrrrrrfect! =)

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It is all too easy to forget the depth of these fundamentalist beliefs at high levels of power...fascinating take, thanks for the perspective 👏

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so true. They hide it so well in plain sight as well. Clever gremlins

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