Drawing is hilarious 😂I love it.

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poor guy

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Please tell me that Lion is smoking a cigar. Though enthralled he also looks altogether unperturbed, almost as if he’s either enjoying it/here for the control.

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no, that would be his foot. Though he does have the vibe of smoking a cigar =)

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I see it now! Glasses, heather. It’s even better as a foot, the vibe remains…

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P. s. I did a treatment this week bolstering Mars energy via an esoteric 3rd chakra acupuncture and remote qigong treatment (I like the energetic detail in the hand in your drawing linking me back to the feeling of this energy) using hematite and tiger eye fortifying results :)

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it's all qi! And what is a true warrior without this knowledge. He knows it, but he's still kinda screwed here. Happy to hear about your treatment. Sounds like a powerful one!

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*Very interesting details* in your drawing to accompany reflections on the Martian energies and influences you bring out here. Once again, the Mars cycle classes are helping continually this year to connect with this essential work. 🙏♂️🦁🦀

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I love your inclusion of the metals. A wonderful teaching. And your image is beautifully evocative. I relate to it as I notice my ambivalence about this transit, over my 10th house Cancer Sun and Leo North Node, trying to honour feeling both daunted and psyched 😅 thanks Adam 🙏🏼

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