Firstly, how are we feeling about the cream color vs. the black? Easier to read or harder. I’m rebelling against standard white. Would love your feedback…
So, in my Trinity for 24’ podcast, I mentioned the Chiron/North Node conjunction as one of my picks and I’m surprised nobody reached out to correct me in saying that the conjunction wasn’t on March 5th, but today, the 19th of Feb. I assume most of us use the Mean Node then? Or maybe you just took my word for it? Either way, I’d just like to bring this rare alignment to our attention and say a few words about orbs and the two nodal calculations.
I use Mean for two reasons: I never seemed to notice anything with the nodes stationing direct (they are retrograde most of the time) and Mean seems to give me much better results than True. I know, I know, for all you True believers, you have your reasons too. Strange how they both work, isn’t it? How? Ah, the mystery…
Again, Chiron is conjunct Rahu today with True Node, not till the 5th of March with Mean. It creates a sphere of influence and an important way of understanding nodal transits. Similar to how we have eclipse seasons and windows (dragon holes), transits with either of the nodes could be said to have a “Here be Dragons” warning sign on each side of the nodes—True and Mean. For example, the conjunction today is at 16º45’ Aries, and the one on the 5th is at 17º28’, so the space and time between them could be considered an extended transit. The exact degree would then take on the importance of bookends, not the exact moment.
There are always the orbs of the approach and exit as well. Depending on how liberal you are with them, this transit has been churning oceans to make medicine for months. I use up to 10º, depending on certain considerations. This is all to say, we are in the embrace of a Chiron/NN moment! So what does it mean?
In essence: take back your story!
To complicate it: There is always a frenetic frequency present when Rahu is close to something. Dragons have this effect. But when it’s Chiron, it’s as if we find an antidote to our unceasing hungers in life—especially around status. Chiron reminds us of the futility of identifying with being a victim and shows the madness created by being a victimizer. Chiron is the key to the escape hatch of these stories. He never went for vengeance with his father, so why don’t we try to break the line as well; he never thought to shoot Hercules with a poisoned arrow (or maybe he did, but never said it or did it) to get back at him. There is a leap possible here with the two coming together. Power awaits all those who are ready to be honest with themselves. Wherever the second decan of Aries falls in your chart is where a possible victory tale will be told. We have the strength, we just need to find it buried beneath the lies we tell ourselves.
Anyway, I also have something exciting to share below. In some ways, it’s symbolic of this transit for me. I’ve held back for years from fully sharing my relationship with the Vimshottari Dashas, not being a professional Jyotishi exactly, but it’s time. It’s one of my favorite techniques and we are about to go on a 10-month journey with it. More on that below.
Thanks for reading.
If you’d like to invite an astrological tool into your box that has a 100% accuracy rating according to me, you don’t want to miss class this coming Sunday:
I’ve also got a couple of slots to take on students one on one; if you are interested, you can learn more about the Apprenticeship HERE::
My latest writing HERE:
Here’s the latest podcast with Jenn about TNP’s and Uranian Astrology:
The Trans-Neptunian Planets with Jenn Zahrt
JAN 29
I also threw together all my Chiron classes into a package for you. If you’d like a new perspective on Chiron, these are the classes for you:
and a package for the Aspect Series as well:
You can also join future classes by becoming a Patron HERE:
If you’d like to work with me, use PROMO CODE: FRIEND to get 25% off a single session:
My latest writings:
A Stoic Approach
Tricksy Wisdom
JAN 17
The Fertile Dark
JAN 10
Recent Podcasts:
A Trinity for 24' "Endless Inquiries"
DECEMBER 31, 2023
And my latest podcast on the Astrology of Dreams:
Being Dreamt: An Astrological Observation
NOV 28
And the latest pod with Amanda Walsh about the Maui fires and AI:
Turning Points with Mark Jones
JUL 26
"Chiron reminds us of the futility of identifying with being a victim and shows the madness created by being a victimizer." Yup... And thus we must always keep in mind the old triangle of dysfunction... victim > persecutor > rescuer > victim etc... to fall into to any of these stories means we will find ourselves doing a lap around this damn triangle... the rescuing part is so tempting to some of us, but then we're screwed until we can climb out of that story (speaking from experience 😑).
I am hearing more awareness and respect for both the mean and true. I was aware when reading and, studying with our group, have been using the mean. It will be interesting again to note the conditions yesterday and ahead in March...a portal, indeed. Also, as with many interfaces, preferring the black background here,...more depth perception? and easier on the pineal gland (goes hand-in-hand to switching to smart bulbs and setting them to sync with circadian rhythm s throughout the home✨). Glad you are sharing your wisdom and exploration of the Vimshottari method in comprehensive classes. Our chart and study classes with them have been revealing and bring much to our perception of time.