Sep 15Liked by Adam Sommer

Just listened to the last heavenly holes, I can't begin to tell you how much I enjoyed your guest's perspective. So much to chew on.

I don't think that it's inappropriate to accept the archetypal nomenclature given by the mechanistic astronomers, they are still one half of all history's sky science. Pluto's naming and timing of discovery fits it so well. Then there's Chiron, only first spotted in 1977... But named by a child. Andy quickly. There was unusually little debate about the name. And it was offered by the son of the astronomer that found the planetoid,the child knew the myth well and saw how well it related to the planets either side of its orbit. We think or imagine or dream as one, even the stuffy among us.

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glad you enjoyed it. And I'm confused, did you think we were arguing against the IAU naming newly found objects? I don't hold that position.

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Being in an Air sign might we see some flying dragons? But the head is Aries which portents some fire breathing…

I love the internet metaphor, wide open sea full of pirates. Thanks Adam x

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sure, why not!? And it works as a metaphor, absolutely. I may write more about that in the future.

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Oh yes please! I love your work x

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