“Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway.”
– John Wayne
The standoff is unfolding. It’s marked by distinct lines, the break-ups and downs, and all the votes cast. In the heavens, Scorpio's co-rulers sit across from each other in a dusty, starry saloon, engaged in a tense game of cards. One is impulsive, the other cold and enigmatic. The first Mars/Pluto opposition commences today, perfectly aligning with the lead-up to Tuesday.
Both sides firmly believe their candidate will emerge victorious, and they fear that the nation will descend into chaos if they lose. Two factions of the country are so divided that they can barely communicate. At peak separation, playing their strongest hands, they acknowledge that one side will inevitably lose, but will they accept it? There will be glory and there will be consequences. The Mars/Pluto complex reveals a layer beneath all this partisanship, showing us our inner demons and those on the outside. They are all around us. We are surrounded.
This transit goes beyond mere transformational language; it transmutes and reduces everything to its essence. If we squint hard enough or perceive it from the right perspective, we may catch a glimpse of our authentic selves beyond the lies. This opposition presents an unwavering opportunity to finally effect that transformative shift and alchemize the stagnant parts of our psyche. We all need this, more than ever.
There will be three exact hits. The initial transit today occurs directly at the anaretic degrees of Cancer/Capricorn. The second will be retrograde in January and then culminate in the final opposition in April while direct. The subsequent two transits will transpire in Leo/Aquarius. We will likely be more familiar with this 'Age of Air' by then as well.
By the time we reach the final opposition, hopefully, we have accepted the change of leadership and allowed our guard down to form healthy connections again. This transit aptly describes our current state: we are frustrated, apprehensive, suspicious, and recognizing the necessity for radical change. Mars' close approach during the retrograde phase provides us with the energy to respond to the dark arts of what Pluto decides to reveal. We must train for this.
Now, I’m sure you have come across countless election predictions from other astrologers online, but I will not be engaging with that game here. What I can say is that the outcome will not be smooth. Regardless of the winner, there will be resistance and skepticism. Both sides will claim that the election was rigged like always, and the trajectory of the nation's—and the world’s— future remains beyond my comprehension. However, I do believe that this transition leads to a better place. The healing crisis has commenced. Mars/Pluto is the necessary surgery we all need.
My recommendation is to get in shape. Push yourself mentally and physically. Discipline yourself around your demons. Celebrate your progress. Whenever the dark thoughts arise, acknowledge them, and say, "Hello, old friend, I have nothing to offer you today. I've surrendered to what I can't control. Goodbye for now." The true enemy is always within…yet, we can also befriend it, turning the dynamic upside down.
It’s a journey that requires courage. It’s always this way with Mars/Pluto. They don’t allow us to ignore the realm of shadows. So, if we don't feel proud of our growth or where we are at, we should persevere until we do. The battle never ends, but we can easily always give up. Let's not. And most importantly, let's learn to reconcile our differences so that we can learn from each other again and restore peace to our lives. This has gone a bit too far, wouldn’t you say?
Being in the UK for this election, it has been interesting to witness what the English think watching this Gong Show play out. Most people seem to think it to be the most absurd theater they’ve ever seen. Not as divided here, they are able to comment on the ridiculousness of both sides. But one thing is becoming more and more clear to most, there is only one side that is pro-war and another that seems to want to end them. I’ll leave it at that. This is the Wild West of the 21st century. It’s both lawless and filled with lawfare; speak up and you might be shot. We may not know where we're headed, but as long as we keep moving inward, it doesn't really matter, does it? It’s all just a test. Let’s do our best not to fail it.
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Well done Adam. ‘Nuff said. Give peace a chance ✌️
I love Adam Sommer’s writing. He’s on my Mt. Rushmore of astrological/archetypal writers.Thus, it shouldn’t be a surprise that I included it as one of a few "pre-election" articles I read for my podcast today.
I'll share the link, but there's a caveat.
I was sort of experimenting with the show some and so played the 56-minute "2001: Space Odyssey Jam" from my favorite band, The Disco Biscuits, and their recent Halloween show in a venue in a giant cavern in Kentucky --- and listening back to it, I think the music is a bit too loud. (I did a test run and the setting below this one seemed a bit too soft so I went with the louder choice. Maybe I shouldn’t have…but I’ll try the softer one next time!).
Having said that, there was some serendipitous timing with reading Adam’s article, which I begin to read at 13:53, in that the Disco Biscuits went into kind of a mellower, but very cool psychedelic trancy jam right before I started to read yours and that was the bed for the first half of it (and then they start to build up).
Anyway, I have in goal in 2025 (by 2026 at the latest) to invest in some better equipment so I can record music AND my voice and have them both sound good together---all of this was done strictly by using a Voice Recording App on my iPhone and playing Nugs.net in the background for the music.
Last, to share something related to Adam’s article for others who have or will read it, I thought it was cool that you used a Wild West showdown for your imagery of Mars-Pluto, because I made the same choice a few days ago but went with a gun duel rather than a card game. I think we both had "dusty" in our stories!
Okay, here's the link.