The Dragon Hole
Constellating Cosmos (an astrological lens)
The Divine Plot with A.T. Mann

The Divine Plot with A.T. Mann

In this show, A.T. Mann returns to offer us some elder wisdom for these wyrd times.  We talk about The Divine Plot, a book of his that is more apropos than ever. We talk about respecting our Mother, the true teachings of Chiron, and mullets.  No deep conversation would be complete without mullets.

Enjoy. learn Astrology and sign up for a Reading with me support the Work and continue your journey with plants and planets


A.T's site


art by Robert Venosa

*correction of the technique. It's called The Mische Technique that Robert uses.

The Dragon Hole
Constellating Cosmos (an astrological lens)
This Podcast is a wide net cast across the cosmos, sinking to the depths of Psyche, and reaching for the light in myth to see how heaven can be found here, now, while you are listening. It includes conversations with the most interesting of folks and solo shows with myself, Adam Sommer. If you enjoy astrology or magic or medicine, this is your show. If you enjoy the cosmos and all the mysterious ways it manifests in our lives, you have found the place.