Venus is stationing. Her long sojourn from sky to sky is ending and the lessons are just beginning to sink in. If I were to condense it into one word, it would have to be SOVEREIGNTY; if I were to write a sentence: By default, we seem to give our power away to those on the stage—whether with a mic or a crown or some official backing—and forget our own sovereignty in the process.
Looking back with 20/20 vision, the two biggest themes in the mundane would have to be Maui and Oliver Anthony. What I find so compelling about the two is the way in which they seem to be bridging the divide. It’s been a long while since I’ve seen the extremes agreeing on something. And both pertain to sovereignty.
In Maui, it’s still hard to say anything too conclusive because of the lack of information, yet with what we do have it seems clear enough that there are encroachments on a people’s sovereignty and basic human rights. It’s important to note that many relate Maui to the heart chakra. Leo and Venus do as well. I can’t explain it, but there is something unique and quite powerful about the Maui tale. It’ll be interesting to see what the post-shadow brings. (Hopefully more prayers and support)
As far as Oliver Anthony is concerned, it’s a simple song, sung by a simple man, that struck a chord of unbearable frustration we all feel. Rich Men North of Richmond has turned into an anthem overnight—for both sides, even if more so on the right, it matters not; the message is one of sovereignty and I argue it’s the cause of the virality.
I’ve never seen more frustration in my life than in this Venus Rx around money and the impossibility many feel around being able to make it. It’s Sisyphean. It’s criminal. It’s Keynesian. It is the rich men north of Richmond. And the only way we change it is by understanding it, realizing there are solutions (btc), and that we must do it together. It cannot happen with the great divide between us. We must celebrate our differences. We must recognize what is happening and create a more interesting culture. It doesn’t happen overnight. It doesn’t even happen in a Venus cycle or two—it is beyond our time. It’s something we do for future generations.
There is more I could say, but I’m traveling away from the moor at the moment, and have limited time. I must get to London.
More soon and more to find below.
Thank you for reading…
Some ideas about the super rare, super blue, super splendid moon we just experienced:
If you missed the last class about the Quincunx, you can watch it HERE:
You can also join future classes by becoming a Patron HERE:
And the latest pod with Amanda Walsh about the Maui fires and AI:
The Fire & AI Astrology with Amanda Walsh
AUG 23
And here is the LINK to the Apprenticeship recordings. If you are interested in the certification process to become a professional astrologer, please send me a message to learn more:
My latest writings:
And here is my latest piece of prose about seeing planets as ‘extended phenotypes."‘
Extended Phenotypes
AUG 20
Already Here
Recent Podcasts:
Turning Points with Mark Jones
JUL 26
Happy travels, this Venus rx is surely for the books!
We still have the upcoming eclipses where Venus’ impact will be surely felt!
“We must recognize what is happening and create a more interesting culture.” Amen!