Inner & Outer Reaches
...both Mercury and Venus have a moment with an outer planet, the Moon roars, and an Imbolc brings Veritas
I recently caught wind that Plato may have been into eugenics. He called it the “noble lie.” I couldn’t quite believe it. The context was in a podcast where they were discussing global elites and technocrats, making the claim that this urge to control the masses went all the way back to Plato. In essence, a noble lie is a myth or a lie typically of religious nature, knowingly propagated by an elite to maintain social harmony or advance an agenda. The noble lie is a concept originated by Plato as described in The Republic.[2]
On the same flight where I was listening to this podcast, there was a guy in front of me wearing a shirt that said, “Be a lion, not a sheep.” It was a popular mantra during the pandemic propagated by people like JP Sears and seemingly was repurposed from the Jan. 6th crowd. I relearned this once we landed when this guy got into an altercation with someone across the aisle about it, then his wife chimed in like an angry banshee. I nearly filmed it, knowing it may go viral. From their perspective, they “see” beyond the “noble lie.”
For Plato, it supposedly had much to do with population control and keeping an orderly society. To even consider this to be true-then or now-is a reality buster. To think that our leaders, whether political or religious would propagate a lie for some greater agenda is a jagged pill to swallow, yet it seems more likely than ever. It also seems to correlate nicely with Pluto’s time in Capricorn with the ingress into Aquarius. I talked about this in my latest solo podcast on the subject as well (you can listen HERE).
I bring all this up for a couple of reasons: 1. I’m still processing how it reshapes my understanding of Plato; 2. It’s more relevant now than ever. We shall explore this more below. But first, let’s have a look at the sky:
It’s Imbolc as I write this. That cross-quarter Pagan holiday which means "in the belly of the Mother," because the seeds of spring are beginning to stir in the belly of Mother Earth. Here on the Azores, it’s a beautiful expression of it, with mountain lilies and oranges coloring the volcanic hills. And with the Leo Full Moon awaiting this Sunday, it’s been a treat to watch them all glow by the light of the night.
In the morning sky, we have Mercury headed for Pluto; In the evening sky, Venus floating fast toward Neptune. The Inners headed for the Outers.
With the Mercury/Pluto conjunction, it happens on Feb. 10th at 28º of Capricorn. It’s a discussion no different than how I started this Dragon Hole. It’s a deep conversation about hidden things. It’s interested in unseen treasuries and this absurd idea of a “noble lie.” It’s the ideal moment to vow to try and stop lying. Speaking the truth not only sets us free but also saves space in our precious memories as well. It frees us up in more ways than one.
And with Venus and Neptune swirling about in the evening sky, we get to feel the distance between Eros and Agape. So often we confuse our longing for someone or something, but really what we are longing for is much more profound. It’s not to take away from the romance of personal love, yet it is a cold splash of water in the face of thinking that someone will complete us. There is no object of our desire, save for divine union, that will satiate the Soul. Whenever the two come together, we are lifted and exalted into an ineffable space if we are willing to let go into it. This happens on the 15th at 24º of Pisces.
Somewhere around the Leo Full Moon on the 11th, there is a Venus/Mars square as well. With Mars finding his legs again in Gemini and Venus reaching for stars, this can be a tricky moment. The seeds are stirring in the wake of Imbolc, but the full swing of Spring is not yet here. Patience my dears, patience, with whatever the object of your desire.
Now, let’s turn our gaze back to this idea of a “noble lie,” shall we?
.: Veritas :.
Before I step into this section fully, I’d just like to be clear about my stance on the vaccine: I fully support everyone’s position; If you got it, great; If you didn’t, great. That’s not my business. But what I do have an issue with is Big Pharma. Always have. It’s personal. They had a hand in taking my mother’s life and there isn’t much that they do that I can support. So when it came to the pandemic, I was naturally weary about how it all was concocted and how the majority of the world began to bow to them. It was and still is a head-scratcher. So when this video was released last week, it’s no wonder it went viral. If you haven’t seen it, please click it:
And here’s the aftermath; LINK
This is how Google and Youtube responded:
Now, I understand this is the most divisive subject since Jesus Christ, but I had to share it and offer my two satoshis. With Mercury headed for Pluto again, and the big ingress just around the corner, this story is not going away. If it is a “noble lie” then what are the implications? There are more questions than there are answers. It’s always this way with Pluto. We all must have an objective outlook when it comes to not just this narrative, but all of them. Whether it’s Big Pharma, the government, the church, or your astrology teacher, everything should be questioned. Why, why, why? Like a curious child. Why not?
.: Core flip :.
In many of these Dragon Holes, I’ve made a case for the importance of regime change with Twitter. Without it, Project Veritas wouldn’t have been able to share the above with us. Yet, I think Twitter is beginning to falter. Nostr is gaining traction and something is off on the platform. Whether it’s Elon’s fault or the fact the Earth’s core is supposedly changing direction, I’m not sure, but the Twitter Files have still been a plutonic help with understanding some of the “noble lie.”
And, in somewhat unrelated, yet still in the cross hairs of the plutocrat’s news, is this story that hit home recently in regards to my dear Dartmoor. This is an essay Martin Shaw wrote about what is happening with wild camping on the moor:
.: 21 million :.
When it comes to a solution around some of the “noble lie,” Bitcoin steps to the front and center. I’m of the belief that until we fix the money, we won’t fully be able to fix the world. We in the West have a hard time understanding this, mainly because we haven’t watched our money fail-not in our lifetime. But for those in places like Venezuela, Turkey, Lebanon, Argentina, etc. etc. they get it and that’s why Bitcoin adoption is much quicker and more fervent there. This is a wonderful quick read on what is happening in Africa:
And a perfectly spent 15 minutes to remind us of the WHY of a decentralized monetary network:
And a metric of adoption on the Lightening Network is just lovely to see:
And so, we find ourselves near the end. As far as the claim that Plato was into eugenics, it’s not fully proven, but the case is there. When it comes to Pfizer and the accusations, the verdict is still out. Pluto will continue to do his work-on us, on them, and on all of us. Speak the truth. Avoid those who don’t. Be humble. Stack stats, chill, and be a loving person. Simple, no?
Conflicts of interest in the "revolving door" of the industry aside, the idea of trying to get ahead of where the virus is going seems more risky than I'm comfortable with. I can understand trying to predict future mutations in order to make a vaccine to cover it in a timely way, but why can't they simulate it with a computer model or something? Why do they actually have to physically demonstrate it?
And why can't we just wait to see what variants arise naturally and then craft an updated vaccine in response like we've always done (like with the flu shot and earlier covid vaccines)? The great thing about mRNA vaccines is that they can be created much more quickly than the previous chicken-egg growth medium mechanism we've had historically. This sounds like it would be a lot of greediness, impatience, and recklessness.
I'm a pharmacist, I have a doctorate in this shit. I can see how easily this video is going to be misunderstood by laypeople, but even from my perspective, I don't like this idea. It would be pushing the river. (and for anyone who doesn't understand what Pharmacists do, we who work in health care are not in cahoots with BigPharma, I promise. We are just sad and have a lot of student debt.)
Curious what podcast you were listening too about Plato?