Kurt Vonnegut once said, “Write to please just one person. If you open a window and make love to the world, so to speak, your story will get pneumonia.” Even if you aren’t a writer or a storyteller, it remains sound advice. The way I like to think about it is that when I share my ideas, I see them landing in the mind of my younger self. I’d like them to land in “him” and help guide him better than I was guided.
It’s clear that one of the hardest tasks we are faced with in the digital age is getting good information. That, and staying focused. Too much out there is produced for the clicks and follows, or is being generated by bots. It’s no wonder that over 3 million kids in the US alone are prescribed Adderall or some equivalent—and for those of us adults who have never been “diagnosed",” it’s even harder to say what a true number would be. With Jupiter now in Gemini, we are gifted an entire year of an increase to the amperage, speed, power, and amount of information we get to sort through. And it’s not hard to see how AI is going to exacerbate this process.
There is a fact flood occurring. It was happening before, but with the trillions of dollars being pumped into server farms and chip makers, it’s pretty much a given we are heading into an uncertain future at the speed of light. The processors we were born with can’t compute. Fact-checking Google and Wiki was one thing, but now we have to fact-check AI with Google. It’s bonkers.
Way back in 2018, I did an entire April Fools podcast unveiling the AI Astrologer I had created called Zoma. So much that we covered in that show has already come to pass. The problem is, when it comes to the astrological information that ChapGPT—or Gemini (well done Google)—is pushing out is inaccurate. I’m sure it will be fixed at some point, but my concern is that these LLMs will never be able to replicate kosmognosis or the magic of intuition that occurs with an actual astrologer. I’m sure at least 50% of those just getting into astrology will turn to the apps, choosing to save money and time in exchange for working with human astrologers, but what is the trade-off?
As is the case with any kind of information overload, there is little integration. I see it all the time with my students. They listen to all the podcasts, read all the books, and stare at charts for hours, but the synthesis is strained. It takes time to integrate information. In some sense, we need to engage with ten thousand readings before we actually find our stride and unique approach to this. Sadly, by default, we like to trade breadth for depth; information over wisdom—without even knowing that we are doing it.
And so, as we get more familiar with Jupiter’s influence in Gemini over the year ahead, I challenge you all to read at least one real book, to sit with your own thoughts at least once a day, and to try to give at least one reading without referencing any external source. Easy, no? And use the tools. I love ChatGPT. Creating these images has become a great joy for me. Doing research with the little wizard is continuously fascinating. Like all tools, we must learn to use them properly. That is all.
Well, one more thing: create for the sake of creation, not for the clicks. There is a devil infused in that approach.
Thanks for double-clicking. Below you will find a few more images you may want to do the same with.
Speaking of information we may want to gather to help understand what in the world is happening, the Vimshottari Dasha cycle is one such tool you may want in your box; the Sun Dasha class went well last night and is now available for download. Have a click to learn more:
I still have 1 slot left for 1 curious person to learn more about themselves with Mercury and myself as a guide. There has never been a better time to embark than right now. It’s just begun. Click him to learn more:
I also did a solo pod last month to explain the new show, why I made the change and a few examples with the current sky. Have a listen:
Constellating Cosmos: an introduction
APR 25
My latest piece of writing about Mercury now in Taurus:
Magical Thinking
MAY 16
I’ve also got a couple of slots to take on students one-on-one; if you are interested, you can learn more about the Apprenticeship HERE; You can also just watch the classes and learn. Certification isn’t required, though it is an option:
You can also join future classes by supporting my work in becoming a Patron HERE:
If you’d like to work with me, use PROMO CODE: FRIEND to get 25% off a single session:
Recent writings:
.: Mountain of the Moon :.
Gathering Thoughts
APR 15
Recent Podcasts:
IMushrooms with Jonathan Fredette
MAR 28
The Trans-Neptunian Planets with Jenn Zahrt
JAN 29
Well, FWIW, I may not be your younger self, Adam (in fact, I’m older than you if we’re simply using number of solar returns to count), but your articles, and your podcasts, always speak to me, and I’m always grateful when your voice catches my attention (as it just did now by way of a Substack notification, one of the only apps I allow notifications for, appearing at the top of my phone just as I was wrapping up my pre-sleep round of Duo Lingo language learning).
Anyway, I share your concerns about the poor quality of LLM’s for being a true sub for us human astrologers. I feel like the few times I’ve asked one an astrological question, it gets the first answer wrong in some very obvious way and I then spend my time correcting the darn thing.
For example, just this weekend, I asked for a list of Jupiter-in-Gemini transits using tropical astrology dating from 1960 to 2030 and, after it made a preliminary comment about how Jupiter takes about 12 years to go through the Zodiac, it listed the current transit and the previous one correctly, before listing the one before that as sometime in 2008! When I pointed out that 2008 was not, by any standard form of counting 12 years before the 2012-13 transit, it apologized and said that the only sources it had used which were reliable were for the current and 2012-13 one!
Perhaps the bright side is we’ll be able which astrological content creators are merely spitting out what these apps are feeding them and we can then, in honor the Virgo archetype, easily separate the wheat from the chaff.
Anyway, for the time being at least, I’m reasonably sure you are still a proper human with astrological accuracy, depth and wisdom!
Did you write this for me? 😂 I actually did a reading last month without any research or outside sources. I had to becuase I had the wrong birth date (10-9 is 9-10 some places in the world and you'd think that would be obvious to me but it slipped my mind). Truth be told, it was the best error I've ever made because I discovered that I could do it. She loved the reading and my confidence in my reading skills took a big jump.
With my moon, IC and sun all in Jupiter's steamroller path through Gemini, my challenge this year is to go with less to combat Jupiter's more. I can feel how important this will be already. It's not like I don't do the meditation, the sitting with my own thoughts, reading real books etc... I just do too much of all of it and am always feeling like I should "read one more article" etc. This will be my year of practicing a new approach. One less...