The Dragon Hole
Constellating Cosmos (an astrological lens)
Dreaming Plants & Planets with Sheri Hupfer

Dreaming Plants & Planets with Sheri Hupfer

In this Podcast, Sheri Hupfer and I continue the tradition of Plants and Planets. I know it's been a while since you've heard one of these, but hopefully, your longing has been sweet and educational.  We talk about dreams, Chiron, Pulsatilla, relational dynamics, and of course our upcoming retreat in Colorado where we will be creating something like an Asclepieon. Enjoy

The Dragon Hole
Constellating Cosmos (an astrological lens)
This Podcast is a wide net cast across the cosmos, sinking to the depths of Psyche, and reaching for the light in myth to see how heaven can be found here, now, while you are listening. It includes conversations with the most interesting of folks and solo shows with myself, Adam Sommer. If you enjoy astrology or magic or medicine, this is your show. If you enjoy the cosmos and all the mysterious ways it manifests in our lives, you have found the place.